ETP: Roots 101 (Best runs time: Mon-Sun 0800-1100)

Flowy trails start, sharp right turn in to more dlowt trails: Watch out for hikers and bikers. After passing the principal's house riders enter the roots section where you're taken to school. Lesson: Find your lines. Speed Check right in the middle is a fallen log which is nudge-able. Last obstacle is a bonk drop and the rest is smooth sailing.







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ETP: Roots 101 (Best runs time: Mon-Sun 0800-1100) is located in Mississauga, Ontario and covers 1.04 miles.
This trail has not been apart of any season.
Flowy trails start, sharp right turn in to more dlowt trails: Watch out for hikers and bikers. After passing the principal's house riders enter the roots section where you're taken to school. Lesson: Find your lines. Speed Check right in the middle is a fallen log which is nudge-able. Last obstacle is a bonk drop and the rest is smooth sailing.
Start Point
Hidden Entrance at UTM: Clean flowy dirt section
End Point
Roots, roots, roots. By the cliff side